
PHOTO by bj
This is one of the prettiest little towns we saw on our cruise...
So clean and crisp....and just breathtaking.
I took this photo from our balcony aboard the SAPPHIRE PRINCESS.

The top couple rows of balconies are the ones you want to try to get if you go on a cruise...the rows are angled out so that some of them are not covered...
We were on top...our balcony was covered and NO ONE COULD LOOK DOWN AND SEE US...:)..Not that we were gonna do anything that we didn't want anyone to see know...privacy !!
It did rain one day at sea and those below us couldn't use their balconies..but WE COULD...:-)


Grands sitting in UNCLE DAVID'S new boat parked outside my cottage...
Well....a year old but that's still NEW...:)
They were just coming back from the lake to have dinner with all of us..

It is really a cool boat...
and all the kids and grands can wake board, surf, ski...I think the newest is a WAKE SKATE..
OOO....they can DO IT ALL !
"THANKS, DEEDS, for wearing a blue shirt ...:))
LOTS of Red White and Blue here...
THIS was the most incredible helicopter ride....
more to follow on this subject..;>)
These are those cute fabric STRAWBERRIES that the sweet and multi-talented
KATHY from
made for her ETSY shop last summer
They are so colorful and sweet in their reds and whites...
and look great in my blue and white vintage dish....

THREE grandgirls...only 3 days difference in their ages...
ANDREA (twin)
BRYNNA (cousin)
BAILEY (twin)
YEP...back 12 1/2 years ago, MR. SWEET and I had
ain't life grand !!

LACEY AND is BRYNNA and ANDREA...all our BEAUTIFUL and SWEET grandgirls...
DID I mention, at any time, that we have SEVEN of these beautiful grandgirls...
and 3 of the most HANDSOME grandboys ? Well...we do ! We are blessed !
and her handsome and sweet dad..our son, DAVID KEITH...
the thing about them....they are ALL beautiful in their hearts ....
*huge SIGH
Part of this last photo just SLID off the page and I don't
know how to fix I am adding it AGAIN..
I am linking at the following WONDERFUL memes...
OOO, and never could I forget another of my favorite
What a beautiful town in Alaska. Love the style of their homes. The ship is a beauty as well.
You have some cute granddaughters. I bet you were beside yourself when the three were born so close together. We had three each 6 weeks apart.....and I thought that was close.
WOnderful photos from your cruise to Alaska. I did the same cruise to Alaska and loved it. Your family and grandchildren are all beautiful. They look like they are having fun out on the boat. Thanks for sharing your photos and have a great week.
Great trip photos. I really love those houses in the hills. It would be great to live in one of them!
I love your pictures from the cruise. Looks like you had a great time and such beautiful country. Love the pics of your family too... beautiful family Sweetie :) Thanks for sharing!
What an awesome looking cruise! That town looks right out of a storybook! And your grands are all so cute, love the pics!
I am loving getting little bits of your trip to Alaska! It looks beautiful....
Your red, white and blues are perfect, the kids are adorable!
Oh BJ, I soooo want to go back on an Alaskan cruise - lucky you, to "do" a heliocoptor!!! Your first photo reminded me, when we stood watching our ship's arrival, I began singing, "Oh, little town of Ketchikan" (vs. Bethleham) ... mind you, this wasn't anywhere's near Cristmas ... but it seemed to fit at the time!
Love your "grands" pix!
I'm enjoying the preview for our Alaska cruise, thanks for sharing.
And I thought we had a lot of women in our family - 2 daughters, 4 grandaughters (2 are also twins) but you have way more.
Everything is beautiful, BJ. The ship, the kids, the boat, the grand girls! Wow, life is great, isn't it?
Hugs to you from ...The other BJ
great photos from your cruise.And it seems that you all had a great time together
BJ your onboard room was the BEST! I love all the blues you captured today, especially those family shots. Isn't it wonderful to see cousins love each other?
Happy Blue Monday!
Love your random red white and blues!
Wonderful photos in red, white AND blue ;-)
Your ship looks awesome! Love all the fun pics of those grandbabies!
BJ, that looks like a wonderful ship! I know you must have had a blast. And your grands are adorable. Always love seeing them!
Sheila :-)
That little town shot should be on a calendar, looks so picturesque. I can just imagine all the little shops to visit. Looks like a trip of a lifetime. Great pics of the grandkids.
Hi Dear BJness! Oh, I know you loved your cruise and the air is just so crisp and wonderful in Alaska, isn't it?
Look at all your grands!! They are all so beautiful!
I remember those little fabric hearts and they are just precious!
Now, you've got me all curious why that old Charlie Rich gives you the creeps!! Tell, please tell! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Ketchikan has a special place in my heart - someday my sweetheart and I are going to visit there. Quite a few years ago my father and mother moved to Ketchican for about six months so my father could start a new church there. They asked him to stay on as their permanent pastor but he didn't feel that was what he was 'called' to do. Today one of my son's good friends from college days is the pastor of that very church. Someday my sweetheart and I will take an Alaska cruise and we will love every minute in Ketchican! Thank you for sharing your photos, your family and yourself with us again today.
I agree this town is pretty. And I thought this was taken somewhere Mexico but was surprised it's from Alaska. Thanks for sharing the photos too. Happy Monday!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have made so many new friends thru the blogger sorority. Love your photos too. I've heard Alaska is just beautiful!
BJ I always love coming by your blog. The pictures are beautiful.I think you are very classy and beautiful lady! Debbie
Wonderful post and oh how I love those colors. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time on your cruise.
Three Granddaughters in three days, how blessed can one Grandmother be? Love it! They are all gorgeous children.
Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
Great sceneries.
Ruby Tuesday
Life is great and thanks for sharing your red, white and blues, I loved them! :D
Plenty of rubies to go around. I like the redness of the houses in Ketchikan, the charming architecture on the edge of the last frontier. David's boat and the ship's lifeboats are both red, too...any connection? Finally, the couple on their Alaskan adventure look as happy as can be!
Beautiful photos of beautiful kids!!! Three granddaughters in three days is so fantaulous!!!!
What wonderful photos, BJ! I love the crispness of red, white, and blue. You have such a beautiful family and it's not hard to tell that you're all very close. You are blessed!
wow thanks for including us in your trip BJ! that looks really fun and memrable one!
u may view mine here
Hello ~ stopping by via blue the pictures...the cruise ship is favorite thing though ~ the sound of running water :D
Ooh, the photo from the cruise ship is so beautiful. I think I need to go through more of your posts so I can see more of Alaska!
Your family is all so beautiful, BJ, and even better because they're beautiful on the inside as well.
You should have seen me when I opened your blog and suddenly heard gurgling water. I thought it was something out here and was looking all around trying to figure it out. LOL
Justine :o )
what a great looking family you have there!
A darling, happy, healthy family!! What more can one ask for??
Susan and Bentley
What a treat... I want to cruise AK one of these years! Thanks for sharing your pics and your family! (I really like the strawberries and the vintage bowl, too.)
what exciting blues...
beautiful smiles.
fabulous trip ideas...
I love how you have the red, white and blue theme going. Excellent concept.
My Tuesday Post
Good morning BJ, I do love everything red, white and blue. Beverly said we could use it on pink Sat. Your darling grandgirls are so pretty and it is wonderful they are so close of age. The three musketeers. Smile.
When we went to Alaska we were on the same inland waterway cruise and stopped at the same places. We loved it and we only had rain one day too. We took a copter ride to the glaciers and it was awesome. we had a window but not a balcony. Lucky you!!!
Happy day to you and yours my sister friend.
Love, Jeanne xoxo
great shots of blues here... and the ship,it is huge..wish to ride that ship someday
mine is here
Great shots from your cruise - was it celebrating your 50th? Thanks for a little Donald O'connor too. Your grandkids are adrable! :)
What a trip! Love how you are celebrating the U.S. in style :)
Love all of your photos! The photos of the town in Alaska are so pretty. Thanks for the info. on the cruise...we are planning one now for next summer, good to know. :)
Also, your grandchildren are all so pretty!!
Thanks for sharing~
The Tattered Tassel
The town in Alaska-is beautiful. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Thanks for sharing!
Those are the cutest fabric strawberries I've ever seen! And that cruise must have been amazing. That's something that I would love to do someday. So much more fun than driving somewhere, and there's always a great view!
Happy REDnesday and Happy 4th!
This is one of the sweetest Rednesday posts ever! Your family is beautiful!
Having three gands born so close together must be pretty wonderful for them. My daughters are close in age to their cousins and they have always been so close and had such loving relationships. Wonderful post, wish I had time to make some more of those berries! Wish I had time to make much of anything!
Wonderful photos! Your cruise must have been lots of fun! And your family looks like fun, too!
Great pictures! Enjoyed stopping by here and by Kathy's Cottage. I loved your cloth strawberries you got from her! My kitchen is red and I'm going for a strawberry/country feel. Those cloth berries cover both. :o) Thanks for sharing.
We just got in this morning from our trip. It was so beautiful. We visited some of the same ports. We went to Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Victoria Canada. The ship spent a day in Glacier Bay, it was so beautiful and it was a perfect day, you could see the tops of the mountains. We only had one day it rained and that was when were in Juneau but it wasn't a down pour.
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