Everyone is waiting to show you their great BLUES ....
BLUE MONDAY is a grrrrreat day...
and even better with
O, no....I didn't make them from scratch....
Duncan Hines is MUCH better at it than I am....
But I did put my own spin on them.....
Extra vanilla...always...
2 handfuls of chopped pecans
and fresh blueberries....
The mix comes with a can of great blueberries, tiny ones.....
I just added a bunch...oh, a couple handfuls maybe, of fresh berries...
That brown sugar streusel on top....
just delicious !
and a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream doesn't hurt anything, either !!

Duncan Hines is MUCH better at it than I am....

Extra vanilla...always...
2 handfuls of chopped pecans
and fresh blueberries....

I just added a bunch...oh, a couple handfuls maybe, of fresh berries...

just delicious !
and a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream doesn't hurt anything, either !!

I love Michigan blueberries...that is where I grew up. North Carolina berries are great too! I would never have thought to add fresh blueberries to muffin mix! Thank you BJ! Great idea.
Hi BJ!
Sorry but I drooled all over those blueberry muffins and the ice cream! I love blueberry anything!! Mmmmmm
I saw your last post and I want you to know I have an old sister to that green hamper of yours... well maybe old aunt! I found it at my late Aunt's house when cleaning it out only it has a wooden lid. It's all chippy and a mess and I adore it. Wes said the same thing, if I love it adopt it and take it home!
Big hugs, sherry
Yumm-O! We have such gorgeous blueberries in our valley here in Oregon. I really should go out and pick a bunch but I'd rather just sit and enjoy them in my mouth! ~Adrienne~
OH BJ...I am so glad you came by,I always feel like a dear friend stopped in when I see your note...hope you are enjoying your summer,be over before we know it,all the best,0x0x0x
Oh BJ~~~you are tooo cute!!OOO! those BJ'd blueberry muffins look sooooo good, especially with ice cream! I will take 2 orders please! I do have some fresh blueberries we just bought yesterday from the Farmers Market.
Thanks so much for my fairydust, aka snow~~I just love the magical feel. Have added it to both of my blogs!
Enjoy your treats!
Love your muffins, & YES they are wonderful, but I've never added ice cream but will next time. We have gigantic blueberries here in Maryland ... we picked tons last year & have a few left.
Yes, our country is in horrible trouble. I love & agree with your sidebar references, 900%. PRAY like you've never prayed before, I know God has a reason for all of this, but hopefully it will pass very quickly.
TTFN ~Marydon
Oh BJ< every time I come by here you have the best food...Now I love those Blue dishes i also see there...Happy Blue Monday to you my friend...I'll be in Texas this week...YAHOO!! May you have a great week girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a wonderful idea to add all your own touches to the box mix!!! It takes them up a notch!!! They look absolutely mouth-watering!!!
I love the way you show-cased them too!!! DARLING!!!
You are so creative...I love it!!!
Happy Sunday...sweet BJ!!!
Yummy! I hope your Monday isn't truly blue, but rosie pink with happiness!
Oh my goodness, these look so delicious! I just bought a thing of blueberries and can't wait to get to them. This gives me some ideas!
Oh, wanted to let you know that if you are interested in getting Stella, Jill was asking people to leave comments on her latest post saying why they wanted her.
They look good BJ.
I'm thinkin' Oregon blueberries taste awful good.
But then i have never had Texas blueberries either. so.... who knows. =0))
Blessings and thanks for coming by and leaving a comment.
barbara jean
Hi BJ, I think the Blueberries from anywhere USA is good... they just might not be as BIG. LOL I loved your idea of extra blueberries and nuts... not to mention the ice cream. YUM!!! Have a good one my sweet friend
BJ, these look so scrumptious! Okay, I have some blueberry muffin pop tarts that I bought for the boys...they're going to have to do because I need something blueberry-ish desperately now :)
oh wow! the extra vanilla and pecans and then ice cream! YUMMY!
It looks really delicious.
Have a nice blue monday, Annemieke
Those fresh blueberries drizzled round the muffins make the whole banquet appear quite exotic! Very tempting images!
Only YOU could make me hungry with Blueberry Hill playing in the background! Thanks, gotta get some breakfast:) Have a blessed day!
What delicious looking muffins, BJ ... and beautiful pictures. I've never thought of putting pecans in blueberry muffins. I'll be sure and try it the next time Mr. Hines and I make some.
Hope you have a happy Blue Monday and get some much needed rain soon.
Those muffins do look good - chock full of berries and I'm sure every morsel was bluelicious. I love your photos.
Oh BJ, you've got me cravin' again! Those look so good, and I just love blueberries. I agree that Duncan Hines is the best mix. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.
BJ What a silly question, of course everything in Texas taste better!!!!! Your post is beautiful, the muffins, blueberries. blue dishes and flowers on red cloth.
Happy Blue Monday
A True Texan
Freshly baked muffins! Warm and soft and fluffy - Oh yummy! The ice cream is a bonus! :-)
Good morning BJ. Oh blueberries are my favorite. Your muffins looks so yummy. I can almost taste one with a hot steeming cup of coffee. Happy Blue Monday!
Did you hear that? The big grumbling noise? That was my stach growling!
Justine :o )
I don't think I've ever seen Texas blueberries! Seems like they are always from the north somewhere. Your muffins looks so yummy. You always make the best food!
Looking pretty yummy, BJ! I like your presentation too! Happy Blue Monday.
I have some Michigan blueberries waiting to be baked into something yummy. I bought blackberries too, but ate them before they could be used in anything.
Oh my! What a DELICIOUS post! I'm sitting here with my cup of morning coffee and those blueberry muffins would be perfect!
I've used the "packaged" treats before and they were good, but now I will use your tips to make mouthwatering muffins!
I loved your table setting too. Very pretty dishes. It's all so lovely!
Enjoy your Monday.
PS - And yes, Texas blueberries are great!
Those are some mighty fine blueberries BJ. Don't think they grow that big around here. Probably are drowning anyway, there has been sooooooo much rain here this month.
Looks yummy.
Happy Blue-berry Monday
Love Claudie
Blueberries - yum! I've had blueberries in Maine and they were good, but small. Are Texas blueberries the large ones? Your pictures of food are so wonderful - I always just want to dive in and devour. Sally
Mmmm that just made my mouth water, Nice blues!
OMG, I had to come look. I DID write "stach"! ROFL!
Wanna know what's really funny? My friend across the street made low sugar homemade blueberry muffins this morning and just delivered one fresh to my front porch!
Justine :o )
Blueberry muffins are a favorite at my house. Duncan Hines does a beautiful job with them and your extra touches makes them scrumptious.
A very cute post, I enjoyed it.
Happy week to you.
Lovely blue post! I absolutely enjoy seeing pictures of some of your blue/white pieces.
Oh honey is right. And I say, God bless BJ.
Everything is better with pecans. Yum!
And I cannot eat blueberries! It made me want to cry looking at those gorgeous muffins and beautiful berries! So delicious looking. I have missed visiting SO much and missed so much!
You always post the most wonderful recipes!
Hugs and more hugs...
Yumm.......that looks so good:)
And that's how it's done here in TEXAS. D e l i s h !!!
And here I am, minding my own business, trying to stay out of the kitchen...and along comes a visit by BJ. I sure am glad I done have a box of those in the pantry...oh wait...I might.......................
Hey BJ; What a Yummy looking Post.. I adore blueberry muffins,,, and yours wow look just beautiful... and the ice cream.. gosh geee. Love your blue and white plates in the back ground.... you always set up such beautiful photos.... have a great week.
Hi BJ, we're home and I am soooo happy to be home to stay for good. At least until the Gator football games start. That will in the fall. I love your blueberry muffins. Girl you are one terrific baker. I am going to try this with some added fresh berries and pecans. Mmmmmm.
I am excited about your visit with a blogging friend. I have loved meeting some of my blogging friends this year. I will be waiting for your post.
Ummm...BJ? Can I come live with you??? You always have such delicious looking desserts going on!! lol I love anything with blueberries and those muffins look incredibly yummy. The wild blueberries are ready over here and when I travel to town, all you see are cars parked on the side of the highway...people are in the bush picking them:-) I haven't gone yet but should soon before they're all done!! xoxo
Adding blueberries to the mix is a great idea. Why, in all of the years that I have made those muffins, have I not once thought to add fresh berries?
What a fabulous Blue Monday post BJ! Love it...
Oooooh I want one of those muffins with my cafe creme tomorrow morning! YUMMMM!
Yummy! Nice post.
Your muffins look scrumptious! And I love all the photos.
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