Beautiful Daughter and kids brought me this ADORABLE pink plate and French Chocolate candy bar and I just love, love, LOVE 'em!! The plate and candy bar, too!!! :) lol
"Forget love......I'd rather fall into chocolate !"

Sweet Hubby and I went to a garage sale and found this beautiful, French Blue and cream HUGH area rug. It is a 12 x 14, in EXCELLENT condition and was only $25.00. I was jumping on one foot and then the other because I KNEW how great this would look in my Country French dining room..... Oh, and that blue and white bench is one of two that Sweet Hubby made for either side of our large dining table.

We went to a store here called THE RUG DEPOT and found the exact rug. In that large size, it was $600.00. I nearly passed out, right there in the store.

With all the blue I already had in my dining room, this baby fit right in.
The lady that sold it to us was redecorating and didn't want to use blues any longer. How lucky for ME !!
Hope your Saturday is fabulous ~
WOW! Bj what a awesome bargin you got girl friend! I just love when that happens. Oh and the candy bar the wrapper is way to pretty to open. What a sweet daughter.
Have a wonderful Sat.,
Score one for BJ.....you don't come along that kind of bargain everyday!
Have the Best of Weekends......Rosie
yeah kids! those are fab gifts!!
Who doesn't like chocolate? I like the pink plate also!
What a fabulous bargain! Your rug goes so nicely with the rest of your room. You REALLY got a wonderful buy!
Wow--great rug buy and love the plate! Lucky you!
Fabulous find, BJ! It's perfect for your dining room!
I love your new plate, too.
That is a great buy and I just love it. I need a find like that.
Also the plate is so cute. Right now id like to fall in choc. too.Can't get enough this time of month.
Awesome bargain on the rug! The plate is pretty and chocolate is always good!
What a great deal on that pretty blue rug. It looks fabulous in your room.
As for chocolate and anything that says chocolate........you can't go wrong.
What a bargain!! Love that!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that plate, too! It's always so fun coming over here and seeing all the fabulous stuff you post!! :)
It's a cold mix of rain/sleet/freezing rain here, and I'm longing for spring...:(
Yes you are very lucky, what a deal!
And I love your new plate, so yummy.
Enjoy your weekend! Suzy
Hi BJ:-) Catching up with your latest news once again...it's all I seem to be doing lately! lol I so love that pink plate...that's pretty much my motto too! hehe Wow, what a great deal you got on that area rug and it sure does look perfect where you put it!! xox
Hey Bj,
Check out Cherry Hills Cottage she has some wonderful news.
I love the plate and the chocolate! But I REALLY love the bargain you got on that rug. It's perfect for your room. I hope I find something similar during garage sale season here this year. I really do need to add a couple of area rugs and would love to have that kind of bargain. Can we see the rest of your dining room? Inquisite (snoopy) eyes want to see! ~Adrienne~
What a great plate...that says it all don't it?
Awesome deal on the rug!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
OMG, BJ, you are the luckiest person at finding such nice things for a whole lot less money. That is a really nice rug. I can tell how excited you are, and I don't blame you.
I keep thinking I'm going to find some good things at thrift stores like you do, but so far it hasn't happened. Maybe I don't visit often enough.
Now, aren't you the lucky ones to find such a buy as that carpet. You two were at the right place at the right time. Congratulations!
BJ, that carpet is absolutely perfect for your decor. What a great deal you got. A person has to scoop up a deal like that, they do not come very often.
What great finds! Love that area rug...beautiful! :)
Hi BJ,
What a great find on that rug..and I thought my DH could find bargains!! Woo Hoo!!
I love the saying on that little plate. It speaks to me! :o) Too cute!
That is a great rug and such a wonderful size for a dining room. Now that've seen your dining room I see why you were so excited to get it and the price!!! WOW!!
After I wrote my last comment I noticed your McK black and white kettle sitting on the kitchen counter top. It looks great with your kitchen. Rhondi xo
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