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Saturday, December 8, 2007


I have a wood burning stove, with the black pipe running all the way up through the ceiling. Hubby built a mantel behind the stove pipe but it does make it very hard to decorate. Every thing is more or less split down the middle. Since I have 17 Christmas stockings to hang, I needed ways to make it look good, in spite of the black pipe. I decided to hang the 6 grown-ups stockings by hangers from the mantel and today, Hobby Lobby had all their stocking holders on for 50% off. BOY, OH, BOY....I LOVE that store!

I bought 4 stained glass ones and 2 plain silver ones; one has "dazzle" on it and the other has "twinkle". I put 3 on one side of the stove pipe and 3 on the other. I like the silver mixed in with the stained glass ones...didn't want too much of a good thing......:) and put a little tree between the two pictures.

I just fell in love with all the little hangers. They are nice and heavy so when I add goodies to the stockings, they won't fall....... I had some once, that slide right off the mantel with the full stockings. So, I gave those to Goodwill. Now I guess, someone will be so happy to get them, take them home and when they slide off their mantel, they will know why they were at Goodwill. :)

They are so festive and make the stockings look really great......

I love the stripes and polka dots.....

This one really does DAZZLE when the flash from the camera hits it....oops....

I'll post the grand kids stockings later...I am TRYING to save SOME Christmas pictures for posting on December 17th, at BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes.

I generally don't care much for the "Happy Holidays" saying...much preferring "Merry Christmas" but this little wall hanging just tickled my fancy and I just bought it at a thrift shop today.... I like it a lot. It's one of those things that makes me smile when I look at it. What could be better than a snowman, a Santa and a moose hanging out together?



FarmHouse Style said...

Your mantle looks wonderful, BJ! I love that all the stockings and holders are different!

You are very good at decorating.

Enjoy your Saturday!


Rosie's Whimsy said...

Your mantle looks wonderful!! Hope you have a joyous weekend.....Rosie

Karen H. said...

Good Morning BJ,
Thanks for coming by and checking on me. I just finished posting for today. I have been having the blues and down in the dumps the last couple of day. You need to hang an extra stocking there. FOR ME, of course. LOL. I love the Stocking Holders you have them hanging on. They are just too cute. It's another rainy day here in Paradise. LOL. I think it may "Rain on our Parade" this evening. I hope not. We have several days of rain in the forecast. Well, take care my friend and have a great Saturday. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.

Nan said...

I love all your new stocking hangers. I've had those dumb ones that fall off the mantle. LOL I can't wait to see the whole lineup of 17 on there.
I'm off to the neighbors for an all day cookie marathon. I'll have to blog visit later.

PAT said...

The stocking holders are beautiful, BJ!

I lived with my grandparents quite a bit, as I was growing up. They had a wood stove. There was a string stretched behind it. I would wash my socks by hand and hang them on the string to dry overnight, so I would have them to wear to school next day. When you spoke of your black stove pipe, it brought back that memory, for some reason.

I've just read about your grandsons. My goodness, what they and their family have been through. Blessings to you, my friend!


tea time and roses said...

BJ your mantel is just beautiful!! I love lovely! I wish we had a Hobby Lobby here on the west coast sounds like my kind of store!! :o) Continue to enjoy the season!!

Merry Christmas!


Carol said...

Hi Bj,
Your mantle looks lovely.
I love your stained glass.
I could not agree more about the 'Happy Holidays' that has nothing to do with Christmas.
Merry Christmas is a must for me.
I keep happy holidays for the Summer!
Carol xx
PS This is the first year my adorable grandson is aware something is happening and it is all twinkly everywhere he goes....he loves the decorations and goes to touch them very slowly and quickly pulls his hand away as we shout 'no touch'

BittersweetPunkin said...

Wow...thats a LOT of stockings to hang...I love your pretty!

Unknown said...

The stocking holders are so cute. We no longer hang stockings here, our sons thought they were too old for that. I can hardly wait until I have grandchildren so we can start to do up stockings again.

You have a wonderful day BJ. I got my peanut brittle made yesterday!!!

Carole Burant said...

I so love all your stocking holders and the price sure was right:-) I've often wished we had Hobby Lobby here! Our Goodwill here also has a few of the stocking holders I had bought...which fell as soon as I hung up the stockings! lol Wow, 17 stockings to be it:-) xox

Linda said...

How very pretty your mantel looks. All the stocking holders are wonderful...I especially like JOY. Linda

Bristol said...

Your mantle looks great and you are getting me in the Christmas mood~~~

Mary said...

All of these are delightful. I like the stripes and polka dots and also the Happy Holidays sign. I too am a Merry Christmas person, but this is so cute.

The way you've done the mantel is wonderful. I look forward to seeing more photos in the tour of homes.


Cottage Contessa said...

Gosh BJ! Your mantel looks awesome! I love your stocking holders! I've never seen anything like that here as not many aussie homes have a need for a mantel or fireplace since it's hot for most of the year, but I'd love one! Your home is gorgeous and I can not wait until the home tour to see the rest of your photo's!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Anonymous said...

okay memaw. This is brynna. I got a nickname (not a blog) just telling you, to let you know who you were talking to. I love you up to the moon and back!
<>< Brynna ><>

CIELO said...

Your mantle looks lovely!!

Have a blessed night


Unknown said...

Hello BJ
I love all the hangers.They are so festive!!!

Thanks you so much for taking pictures of your wonderful cristmas decorations!!!! I feel that I am there!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning!!! It is CCCOLD outside! Well, We've all been eating that good chocolate! Well, I guess I will ttyl!
I luv ya ^ to the moon, and <-

Anita said...

I love all your stocking stuffers! So pretty...
...And I like your holidays sign, too!

Anonymous said...

Helloooo.... I am probly going to be anonymous from now on, because I can't remember my password. Imagine that... I am signed up for so much stuff, I try to keep the same password, but my usual password is soemtimes taken. So...
I guess I'll ttyl.