Be sure to stop by her site and say "hello" and join in her fun meme. She'll be glad to see ya!
NAN @ ON MY PORCH invited me to share in my first Christmas Meme. Be sure to go over to her site and read her answers....it's such a neat way to get to know each other a little better.
1. Christmas is BLESSINGS. (fill in the blank with one word.)
2. In memories, what is the best part of your Christmases past? All of my aunts, uncles and cousins would come to our house for Christmas Day and, even as a kid, I realized how blessed we were to be able to all be together.
3, Was Santa ever good to you? Oh, my.....YES....he was always good. The Santa I have now and have had for almost 48 years is good to me ALL THE TIME, not just at Christmas.
4. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or both? When our kids were young, we opened gifts from each other on Christmas Eve...Santa came on Christmas morning for the kids. Now, we have our whole family over for opening of gifts on Christmas Eve.
5. Is there something you make each and every year? We make Candy Cane Cookies and Stained Glass Cookies to hang on the tree and sneak one every time we walk by!
6. What is your favorite 5 Christmas songs? I like "Walking in a Winter Wonderland", "I'll be Home for Christmas", "White Christmas", "Silent Night" and "Jingle Bells".
7. Is there a new tradition for Christmas since your childhood days? Yes...we hang up a stocking for each member of our family. For some reason, when I was little, we just didn't do stockings. Then, with my first child, my mom made him a Christmas stocking...that started it all and now I hang 17 stocking each Christmas.
8. Describe one of your Christmas trips. When our kids were 8 and 13, we took them on a Christmas snow skiing trip in New Mexico. We had such a great time and will always remember it.
9. Do you have a special Christmas outfit to wear for the day? No, but I usually wear a Christmas sweater or Christmas colors and a cute Santa pin.
10. Have YOU or any of your family members sat on Santa's lap? Haha...with 2 children and 10 grandchildren, we have ALL sit on his lap at one time or another..(but not all at the same time!) lol
11. What is/or will be on your Christmas tree this year? Santa Clauses and a Christmas fairy.
12. Do you/or have you decorated your yard for Christmas? We put white, sparkly lights on the roof line of our house and icicle lights all around the front and a Christmas wreath on the door.
Thanks to Hootin' Anni's for this fun game.
Good Morning Again BJ,
I loved reading your 12 Days of Christmas Meme as well. Thanks for the nice comment you left me. I really appreciate it. Wouldn't it be so nice to be able to meet all of our bloggin friends someday? Maybe we could come up with a "BLOGGING FRIEND CONVENTION". LOL. Take care my friend and have a great Thursday. May God Bless You and Yours. You seem like a down to earth, sweet and loving person to me BJ. I always look forward to your posts each day.
Karen H.
Thanks for coming over. I sure did enjoy your ost. You seem like a sweetheart that we are all blessed to have.
What a lovely Christmas list:) It is so nice to get to know you a little better!
I am sorry, I have not commented her for a couple of days, blogger has been playing tricks on me...stop over for the details.
I hope it is straightened out now.
Have a great day sweetie!
That was fun. Thanks for sharing!
Rhonda, I can't leave a comment on your site?????
Great blog. I'll be back when I can read more. I'm going to be 65 in March. I'm learning to blog more and more each day.
I'm so glad you did the meme!
As for the Christmas stockings, I've got my first one since I was a kid, it is the one you see in my comment picture. Pink just like the pink hat I wear to Red Hat Society meetings.
I bet the stained glass cookies are beautiful, please share a picture of them when you make them this year.
Have a great day! =)
Afternoon BJ!
I can't believe you didn't have stockings growing up and now you have 17 hanging. BIG DIFFERENCE!
This was a great way to hear ideas on new things to try. Thanks for sharing.
Hi! It's originally my meme...I hope it's being linked to my meme blog...
Love your answers. If you stop by and comment I'll be more than happy to add your link that you participated.
Good morning BJ only here it is afternoon now. Loved your meme. I will ponder and put one on mine.
The cookie tradition sounds really yummy. I would be afraid to hang real cookie on the tree though. I would be afraid of bugs, or that they would become stale. How do you keep that from happening?
Your cookies sound wonderful.
Santa has been good to all of us, eh? How wonderful.
God bless.
Mine's up at http://slcthoughts.blogspot.com
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