
Monday, January 16, 2012

This and that....again !

On Sunday, I made some to take to our home fellowship gathering.
I always make a powdered sugar/cream icing...
I added Almond flavoring to this icing...and added some ORANGE flavored coffee to ice part of them, leaving some with just plain icing.
I made enough to keep some at home 'cause I LUV cookies for breakfast....
especially to go with my DUNKIN DONUTS coffee.
(Oh, and just so you know....I use a SUGAR COOKIE MIX
that just needs an egg and a stick of butter......and they are delicious....
MUCH better than any I could make from scratch.)
SOMEtimes, SCRATCH isn't what it's cracked up to be....
just sayin'........

 Since the hosts were serving homemade SOUP,
Mr. Sweet and I grilled 3 Cheese Sandwiches
on the most delicious bread.
It's the EVERYTHING FRENCH bread at Walmart. We love it to pieces......

We just put butter on one side, a little Helmans Mayo...
three cheeses...

Really good....especially when served warm with a good bowl of SOUP.
This bread has the best flavor....and, have you noticed...?.....EVERYthing looks great in a basket !!??!!
I cut each large sandwich in half and filled up the basket...
Everyone brings a dish or two each week and they usually bring their very best recipe. :)

Sooo, we covered out basket of sandwiches and put our cookies in plastic containers....

and away we went thru the woods to 
OH NO.....
I got caught up in the moment.

....we went to the fellowship and had a very blessed Sunday evening.

I hope everyone had a good weekend...and are ready for another busy week.
ends tonight... 



  1. Hi BJ!

    Presentation is everything, my hubby taught me that! I've resorted to putting KFC in a basket for the family reunion when pinched for time and the basket was the first thing emptied!! LOL
    All your goodies look so wonderful... how do you stay so trim and thin??

    Big hugs, Sherry

  2. I have made the packaged sugar cookies before and you are right, they are delicious. The peanut butter and gingerbread cookies are really good too! I will have to give your grilled cheese sandwiches a try - they sound amazing! Thanks for sharing

  3. You made great food and presented it in such a pretty way. I need to try those 3 cheese grilled sandwiches.


  4. Oh my, what great photographs of those scrumptious looking sandwiches! My sugar cookies from scratch, they are not as good as the packaged ones, that is for sure!

  5. BJ, you cookies and grilled cheese look delicious. The basket is a cute idea for delivering your food. Great photos. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Now that's a great idea for something unique to take along to a fellowship supper. I don't find that everyone brings their best...wish that happened at our fellowship. Hope no one's reading this, but if I have to endure another tuna pea casserole, I'll find it very challenging to be grateful. Yes! The way food is presented makes it look even that much more delicious. I'm going to try this tip about the French bread.

  7. Everything looks so yummy at your place, BJ.... came I come and stay with you for a while? :)

  8. None of these things would have EVER made it into that beautiful basket ... nope! Looks so yummy! I, too, love cookies for breakfast. Will soon send you a fabulous cookie recipe ...

    Have a lovely day ~
    TTFN ~

  9. BJ, my son loves the sugar cookie mix as well and he even makes them himself now and I love that even better....however, I will say that I have a wonderful sugar cookie recipe that is really out of this world and I do make those at Christmas if you are interested, let me know.

  10. WHICH Sugar Cookie Mix do you use, which makes THICK Sugar Cookies?????

    Please and thank you.

    Used to have a thick S.C. recipe, with sour cream. Lost it. -sigh- Perhaps this mix, will replace it.

    I can't eat 'em anymore, but it's nice to be able to make them, *for special.* :-)

    “Don't you ever imagine things differently than what they are?
    Oh, Marilla, how much you miss.”

    ~L.M. Montgomery

  11. Oh my those soooo good!!! Hope you had a fabulous time.

  12. BJ ~ you make EVERYTHING fun. The world needs more people like you. xo

  13. YUM! I know everyone enjoyed your contribution to small group fellowship. I love Dunkin' Donut coffee, too!

  14. Thanks for sharing these recipes with us. Everything looks so good. Have a blessed day and a great week. Madeline

  15. Everything looks so nice and taste!

    Have a nice day.

  16. I so cracked up...we obviously love the same stuff....that everything bread at Walmart....well, let's just say I only buy when we are having company, because we can eat that whole stickin loaf!

  17. grilled cheese sandwiches are the best... we had them yesterday with a little homemade soup... perfect for the cool rainy day!

    now if only I'd had some of those delicious looking cookies for dessert!

    Have a beautiful week BJ!
    hugs. Dixie

  18. Beautiful and YUMMY! I love carrying things in baskets too! Have a blessed day dear BJ, HUGS!

  19. Mmm, yummy! I just got up, and you've already got me thinking, "When's lunch??"

  20. bj everything looks delicious, and I know it was. Love how you put everything in a basket. I love doing it too and yes everything does look good in a basket. Sounds like a perfect Sunday evening.
    Have a great week.

    The French Hutch

  21. I have a grilled cheese almost every night for my snack before bed. I am certainly going to try these...they look so delish! Thanks much! Have a super week! Hugs

  22. Everything looks and sounds so delish! Your fellowship must be wonderful. xo

  23. I used to think that about sugar coolies, too...until one day a friend gave me this recipe. Hope that you'll give it a try. Cherry Kay

    2 C. Sugar
    1 C. shortening
    1 C. margerine
    2 eggs
    2 t. vanilla
    Blend. Then add:
    4 C. sifted flour
    3 t. cream of tartar
    1 t. soda
    1 t. salt
    Mix. Place by heaping teaspoons on greased cookie sheet. Flatten w/ greased glass dipped in sugar. Bake at 350° for 8 - 10 minutes. Makes 5 dozen. May be rolled and cut in shapes if you desire.

  24. BJ, the sugar cookies look yumo and I can just imagine how fun you are to be in fellowship with. hugs♥O

  25. BJ,
    Sounds as if your fellowship group is truly a blessing in you and Mr. Sweet's life. God, food and fellowship...winning combination, indeed! Have a blessed week, dear friend!

  26. What a great way to spend a Sunday evening; your grilled cheese must taste fantastic. Will be making this this coming weekend. Wishing you a wonderful week.
    Sorry I haven't been around; blogger was very mean to me, but I think the problem is solved, she says keeping her finger crossed.

  27. I love grilled cheese! Yours looks wonderful BJ. Love the basket.

  28. Those sugar cookies look so YUMMY:) even the pictures made me smile ox

  29. Those sugar cookies look fabulous! I really have to try some cookies this week ....

    And Im dreaming of soup and crusty bread (it’s a bit warm here in the Southern Hemisphere at the moment for hot soup!)

  30. Everything looks just yummy to me. If the soup was even half as good as what you brought, I would have had a hard time with fellowship. It's had to yak with my mouth full.

    Of course, I would try!

  31. Those cookies look good. I always used a store bought mix too. I think they turn out just as good. That's a good idea to do grilled cheese sandwiches on french bread. I usually just use regular sandwich bread. I love grilled cheese with soup. It's such a perfect lunch during Winter.

  32. I will have to look for that bread! It looks scrumptious, as do your cookies!

    Thanks for popping by earlier! Have a terrific week!

  33. I love those sugar cookies too. I use the mix in the bag and no one knows the difference. That bread looks delicious. I'll have to look for it at my Walmart. Your food always looks so appetizing. I wanna live at your house.

  34. Balisha is right! We all wanna live at your house!! You don't mind do you??? :) You are SUCH a homemaker, bj!!

  35. Totally agreed that the cookie mix is great. I used the gingerbread and sugar cookie mix at Christmas. They tasted great.

  36. Everything looks delicious! Love the combination of cheeses for the sandwiches.

  37. You put mayo on grilled cheese?? That's a new one for me!! Yes, everything does look better in a is all about the presentation!

    I use a cookie mix all the time for sugar cookies much better than my scratch recipe. I did try a new sugar cookie recipe for Christmas and I haven't posted about it yet. My family thought they were the best sugar cookies they had ever had. I'll post that soon. They were really thick and soft and not too sweet.

  38. BJ, you make verything FUN!!! Your felloeship is LUCKY to have you! The cookies look SO good. I never bake. Mr. doesn't eat sweets so I would have to eat them all:):) Have a great week. XO, Pinky

  39. Bj You have made me want to go eat. Soup and sandwich sound so good.

  40. I love a good cookie, but given a choice I'd always choose the sandwich!

  41. My goodness, BJ, you always have me drooling every time I read one of your posts:-) I also love sugar cookies and the grilled cheese you made looked soooo delish! Makes me wish I was part of your church fellowship! hehe xoxo

  42. Those sugar cookies look wonderful and I really enjoy a good grilled cheese sandwich and those look like they might have been pretty wonderful too!

  43. It sounds wonderful! Love your black , white and red towel, so cute!
    BTW, a Mckenzie Childs store just opened in town. I know I can't afford what they have, but I am going to see if they will let me take pictures. Pottery Barn nearly had me arrested!

  44. Is there anything better than grilled cheese, especially with a mix of cheeses like yours! I would take that over the cookies even, and those cookies sound delicious:>)


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