
Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to cure a VIRUS.....

PEOPLE virus, that is....I don't think my cure here will work of COMPUTER bugs....:))

 I had a 12/24 hour virus not long ago and during that 12/24 hours, all I wanted to eat....

                           STARBUCKS COFFEE ICE CREAM.

 I had it in RED  SOLO CUPS 
( ♫♪♪ solo cup...i lift you up.... ♪♫♫ )
I had it in CUTE coffee cups, filled with DUNKIN DONUTS coffee
and a big scoop of COFFEE ICE CREAM.

 ......and when I ran out....

  Mr. Sweet went to the grocery store and bought more for me.

 Ice cream is the original soul food, ya know.!

 I had if for BREAKFAST......
and for lunch......
and for dinner.....
and, I'll swear.......
I'M ALL BETTER.......:>)


  1. I will try to remember your cure! Sure beats an antibiotic!!

  2. Oh that cure sounds marvelous! You swear by it then?

    Have you had someone leaving unkind comments? Hope that you dispatched them to the paper closet for half an hour.

  3. i like your 'healing' methods! have never had starbucks brand, but ben and jerry's will do!

  4. You know what is REALLY funny? You know that I am a STARBUCKS kind of gal. My treat every morning of life is a run thru their drive-through for my sugar-free vanilla latte. What is funny then? I don't like coffee flavored anything! NOT candy, not ice cream...not cake...JUST coffee. I just can't make myself eat it...but that sounds like the perfect cure for someone that loves it...oh...yeah..I don't like flavored coffees either..I'm weird..I know! xo Diana

  5. So glad to hear you are better! I, too, have been ill. Allergies due to the fungus from our den flooding. My go to food was frozen strawberry yogurt. I am still recovering so I am going to get some more right now.......

  6. I just finished polishing some off...wonderful stuff...and addictive! Haven't tried it in coffee...great idea! Glad you are better...hugs...Debbie

  7. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Thought I might be coming down with something this morning, maybe I better get some ice cream just in case:@)

  8. My daughter is going to love this cure.... so glad you're better.

  9. Happy you are all better! I have never had Starbucks coffee ice-cream, but it is my favorite flavor (right up there with pistachio)

    You proved it... this is good medicine :)

  10. I like coffee ice cream, my mother loved it, always ordered it at HoJo's when we went there.....when we had head colds growing up in my house we would have some ice cream and it would clear up the sinus! xo

  11. Good that your better and that you treated your self so well... with Ice Cream.

  12. Praise the Lord for the healing powers of Coffee Ice Cream! If there is one thing we know, BJ can't be sick! BIG HUGS and prayers! ME

  13. Wow! I wish everything could be cured with icecream then. I love ice cream and I love Starbucks, but have never tried Starbucks icecream. I bet it's good. Wish I could eat a cup right now! Glad you're feeling better. My hubby has a bad cold right now. Maybe, I'll go get him some of that icecream.

  14. Isn't that the cure for everything!

  15. I think that is the best cure I've heard ice cream...YUM!

  16. Love your cure! I will remember this, maybe even try it when I'm well ;)

  17. It does sounds like a great cure, Ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I have goosebumps thinking about eating ice cream. I am so happy you are feeling better. Have a great week!

  18. Oh, my - surely my kind of cure. Feed a cold, starve a fever or is it the opposite? I never can remember, so I feed it all. Stomach virus? Feed it. Back ache? Feed it. When in doubt - FEED IT.

    So glad you're better. So wonderful to have a sweet husband. Truly blessed. Have one of my own. :)

  19. Your so silly girl..I eat Ice cream all the time..ha ha!! Love ya Sis.Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  20. You made me laugh out loud. I do too the same thing only with moose tracks. It's full of chocolate. It always makes me feel better.

  21. BJ,
    YuM! YuM! YuM!
    The perfect cure for what ails one!!!
    Hope you're feeling better!!!

  22. Oh, I do love ice cream! What a sweet post and different ways to serve this 'cure-all' in! Glad you're feeling better! Pamela

  23. sounds like the PEFECT healing medicine...good for you@!@$%

  24. Sounds good to me...except I can't eat sugar! boohoo! I have to find something sugar free...just not as good! lol

  25. I think I am going to run outside in the new snow nekkid just to get sick and try your cure! Who are we kidding?! Much easier to fake it and take the cure anyways!

  26. Now this sounds like a true cure to me! I think I'll try it next time I have a virus!

  27. You can have my share of ice-cream if it will help you feel better. I'm a frozen yogurt gal and it comes in some nifty flavours now too. :-)

  28. Ice cream does the trick :) Glad you are better. I'd much rather have ice cream for breakfast than tea. Great cure!

  29. now thats a cure for sure,, I'm trying that, I have a bit of a sore knee, I pretty sure this will fix me right up!

  30. That looks delicious, but I think it would make me feel more sick rather than better!

  31. every BODY know how to cure itself....just listen to it.
    Sometimes it says "ice cream". Well done!

  32. Coffee ice cream is my absolute favorite flavor! i haven't tried the Starbucks brands as yet ..must renmedy that! Glad you are feeling better!

  33. I had not heard of ice cream being a cure for sickness. But I guess there is always a first time! What happened to using chicken soup? I am glad you are better now. I just finished eating an ice cream bar. A 100 calorie one. Been watching my intake to keep going on my weightloss journey!

    Take care and don't get sick again! And no, you can't use eating ice cream as an excuse to get sick! :)


  34. Well, I always knew that ice cream was a good cure fro what ails me.

    It's just nice to be able to say that it's a prescription from Dr. BJ. That makes it all the more official.

    (And I love what you said at the top of this about leaving unkind comments. Amen, sistah. You're not only Dr. BJ this morning, but Reverend BJ too.)

  35. I am so totally with you - is there *anything* that this wouldn't cure???! I think not!!


  36. So glad to hear you're feeling better, BJ. We've both been down with colds this week & my older sister is sick with the flu. Yuck! NOT fun! I may have to try your ice cream cure.

    I posted a little note about your cupcake liner give away on my blog today. I'm heading to Michaels this morning, to see if I can find some, just in case I don't win! *wink*

    Have a good week, Honey,

  37. What a great healing power. I'm afraid I could overdose!
    Glad you're feeling all better. Have a great week.

    The French Hutch

  38. -chuckle- Now THAT is the most UNIQUE way of rationalizing a food craving, that I have ever heard!

    Congratulations for thinking this up, my Dear.


    All kidding aside, I'm just so glad that it is over. Whatever was ailin' you, I mean.

    "Books to the ceiling, Books to the sky,
    My pile of books is a mile high.
    How I love them! How I need them!
    I’ll have a long beard by the time I read them."

    - Arnold Lobel

  39. Great cure.....I am an ice-cream-a-holic! LOL!
    Have a wonderful day!

  40. I hope you didn't receive any mean comments yourself. I agree with you that doing that is so mean. You are always such a funny, upbeat person and wouldn't deserve that. I am disappointed sometimes at some people in blogland who profess to be one way but behind the scenes, are not. I am a relatively new blogger and can't afford to lose readers by calling them out but it is disappointing. Someday when I get more confident, I may name names.

    As for your miracle cure, you should win a prize!! I have never had that flavor but I can tell I've been missing something really good. I might not wait until I get sick, I think just for the health of mankind, I will run out and get this delicious cure. Thanks for the info and glad you are better.------ Shannon

  41. I'm glad the cure worked! I'm not a fan of coffee, nor ice cream - I think my cure would be a bag of potato chips or a bowl of popcorn.

  42. (he he) I so cream cures everything! I just want to tell you that you always inspire me, I so wish I could meet you, just love you! :D

  43. Love your way of curing a virus; I admit I am also kind of addicted to ice cream, but I have to be careful. Hate to head freeze.

  44. Sounds like the cure to me!!! Only I would have put starbucks coffee in with it not, NOT the Dunkin donuts...Glad you are feeling better!

  45. Oh sweet BJ!! Sorry to hear you were sick! Hope by now you are feeling better! I love coffee ice cream too!!


  46. How funny as soon as I read "red solo cup" I start laughing and singing ♫♪♪ solo cup...i lift you up.... ♪♫♫! I heard that song for the first time yesterday.. I'm glad you feeling better and My husband and I both use that cure from time to time. LOL

  47. Loved your post! Now I have to quick go to the store! ;-)

  48. Really? That was a strange virus...I usually want orange juice and chicken soup. I always forget to try the ice cream in coffee treat that you if I need those calories!

    I hope you didn't get a bad comment. I can't imagine anyone being hateful to you...let me at 'em!

  49. I'm not sure I would want to get better if I could eat nothing but ice cream BJ!

  50. Hi BJ, Glad you are feeling better. That ice cream looks fabulous!
    Hugs, Beth

  51. I never heard of that cure! Sounds good!

  52. ohh !! i love the signature hot chocalate..have you tryed it? you's sooo good !!!

  53. "Take two scoops and call me in the morning." My cure~all is homemade oatmeal cookies.


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