
Thursday, December 29, 2011

WORKIN' all the live long day......

All the Christmas decorations are packed away, nice and neat for next year.
All the wrappings, Styrofoam packing....every thing picked up, thrown away or stored...
vacuumed, dusted
spit shine and rub and polish every thing in my sight......
Getting all ready for a SATURDAY NIGHT NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY....

TODAY,  I had to wash clothes...

I have only a small UTILITY LAUNDRY CLOSET and, believe it or not, I have some cutie things in there that make the job of LAUNDRY (boo hiss) much more pleasant....

painting I purchased from
Duda Daze a couple yrs ago. Isn't she the cutest little smiling mom you've ever seen?
and don't you love all the cute little hearts scattered around...that's what moms have...

 WHEW....I used to have to iron nearly every day, it seemed like. I never have minded ironing....but always hated ironing
jeans....starched so heavy, they could stand alone.....
When our boy went off to college, he wanted 12 pair of Wranglers...and 12 pair he had. Now, he came home most every weekend (college only 2 1/2 hrs from home) and, of COURSE,
brought his laundry....all 12 pair of 
I'm tellin' ya, I was just so glad to have him home, I would have washed, starched and ironed 24 pair !!!
Moms are like that, ya know.
I am in a panic because I can not, for the life of me, remember where I got this amazing little LOST SOX GATHER HERE bag....ETSY
I DO know, however, that I just love it to pieces. 

I got all the washing and ironing done...
next, I will be working on making the house welcoming for my sweet family and friends so we can all celebrate the
NEW YEAR'S beginning on Saturday night.

I hope the new year is full of everything your heart desires....and that it is blessed from 
 beginning to end.

A friend and I had a bowl of homemade Veggie Soup together after the day of work..........

Friend Time......the perfect ending to one year, the perfect beginning of a new.

I am joining in the fun with:


  1. Happy New Year to you! Many blessing to you and your family!

  2. wow I cannot believe you have finished it all...I have begun.not that you could tell...I am going to do my best to get it all finished tomorrow...I will need alot of luck and Happy New Year...I could use some of that wonderful soup...

  3. I'm so jealous that you have your Christmas decorations put away and your house"spic and span"--my decorations are in piles on the floor! Have a great New Year's Eve party and a new year filled with many blessings. Mickie ;)

  4. Hello and Happy New Year!!! That cranberry scone mix looks fab!!! I see it is Archer Farms. You know I am heading to Target to find that right quick!!!
    Hope you had a lovely Christmas!!!

  5. I used to love ironing while watching an afternoon movie - it made it go so quickly. When The Great Dane was in the Air Force I always had a pile of shirts!

  6. Me too! All done and packed away. Laundry, well I do at least two loads a day around job is never done with these boys! Have fun New years!

  7. Hi bj! What a wonderful year I've spent visiting you and being made hungry when I am really not and having my morning coffee with you. :)
    You have been a total joy! Thanks for adding so much to my blogging adventures.
    Happy New Year to you and Mr. Sweet!

  8. Ah, in a way I envy you because you have it all packed away, but I'm still enjoying mine - at least until January 6th.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Holiday decor is done- packed and put away.. Floors are clean and dusting is done.. 4 loads of clothes still to be taken care of though.
    You sure work fast..
    that veggie soup looks yummy and sharing it with a Pal is the best part for sure.

    Happy New Year~!!

  10. All my Christmas is also packed away and put up for another year. With the help of my grandson, Adam, got the outside lights down and put up yesterday. Hope you have a very Happy New Year and that the good Lord will bless you and My Sweet all the year long. Madeline

  11. I am one of those weird people that likes to iron...although- I must say I never liked ironing jeans and I refuse to iron them anymore unless they look really bad.

    Your sweet little laundry area looks like a fun place to spend a little time. I even have a tiny little TV in mine so I can watch HGTV while I fold the duds.

    I hope you have a wonderful Friday- xo Diana

  12. I have never liked to iron!
    My sister does! She puts on some good music and "Irons out my problems" she says!

    Cute pic and bag!!

  13. You are way ahead of me BJ! Our company just left this morning, so after my morning blog and coffee time, I will be taking down decorations and doing laundry.

    Happy New Year!

  14. Oh nothing is packed and put away around here, and everything is a mess. Hope you have a super weekend and a wonderful 2012. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  15. You have the cutest "stuff"! I love that picture of mama! Yep, us mama's would do just about anything for those kids...and I am still doing stuff!!

  16. Happy New Year and a happy party!

    Your laundry area is very sweet. Perhaps I need to make my dungeon laundry room more of a priority. Maybe I wouldn't mind being down there so much!

  17. I hate doing laundry and hate ironing even more. Aren't I a debbie downer?! Ha! It's just not my thing. However, I have to do it ALOT. If I was rich, I'd have a someone do that for me. It probably doesn't help that my laundry room is very small and at the back lower level of the house while the clothes that need to be washed are on the upper level. Oh well. I like your little picture. I just couldn't be smiling while I'm ironing though. Ha!

  18. BJ, Nobody but you can make a fun post regarding that mundane task of laundry! I wonder if your son starches and irons his jeans. I don't think many people do that and dress is so much more casual than it used to be. You're a great mom!
    Love you!

  19. Thanks for visiting, BJ! HAPPY Birthday to you!!...I was just telling my daughter about your blog, and how your personality shines through. One of my BEST friends lives in Arlington, between Ft Worth and Dallas. SHe just got back from a trip to Riverwalk. Sounds like the weather there is very springlike for December, eh? Happy 2012~

  20. If only we could capture your boundless and cheerful energy. I love to iron and do it a lot. I now have Big Mama Roe (that's my Rowenta iron) and I iron faster with her. Happy New Year.

  21. BJ,
    What a wonderful feeling to have it all put away til next year!
    We haven't started yet....I usually drag my feet while Mister wants to get it done.
    Happy New Year!

  22. Your posts just make me smile, bj!! Have a wonderful & Happy New Year. Keep those cute posts coming for I enjoy them so!!

  23. BJ,
    Should be taking the tree down now...for tomorrow we "grand dog" sit. Can't seem to get motivated at all! I love Christmas...think in my heart I'm not ready to take down the tree. I'm not a lazy person by any means...just want to savor the Season as much as I can. Love your little laundry room! Have a Happy New Year, dear friend! See you in 2012...for sure!

  24. Happy New Year bj! You are the sweetest little west Texan I know. Love stopping by to see what you have to say and to show. Blessing to you, Karie

  25. Hope your party was great! Now around Jan. 6 could you pop by and pack up all my stuff? You have more energy
    than I do!

  26. I could use a hand around here! ;)

    It has been such a pleasure getting to know you this year!! Thank you for for sharing at Potpourri Friday. I wish you a healthy, prosperous and sparkling New Year!

  27. I like your story about washing your son's jeans. How cute! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  28. Such nice and sweet things said...I always find something pleasant here! Love this blog and you!


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