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Friday, June 10, 2011

O, those little french donuts...

This has got to be the best MIX in the stores..
When Mr. Sweet and I went to New Orleans several years ago,
I had never even HEARD of BEIGNETS..
therefore, I didn't know to go to the infamous
I am told that it is an amazing experience to go there
and have their famous coffees and BEIGNETS.
Daughter brought the first mix to me from New Orleans
I could order this magical mix on the net
and I did that very thing.
THEN, I found that our local market carried it and I am thrilled.
I keep one in my freezer at all times.
When I really have the urge for these sweet little donuts,
I only have to add water to the mix, fry them up  and drain really well..
then smother them in fluffy white POWDERED SUGAR..
My Knockout Rose bush is still trying hard to be pretty thru this drought
but the blooms aren't quite a large...nor quite as pink.
cup that daughter brought me from her trip.

I hope your weekend is full of
xoxo bj
 My Blessed Serendipity Life has left a new comment on your post "O, those little french donuts...":

"I have been to the famous Cafe Du Monde and have tasted those tasty BEIGNETS. They are so delicious! They only serve coffee and beignets there and the floor is absolutely COVERED in powdered sugar. I have not seen the mix in my grocery store. What part of the country do you live in?

happy weekend,
Danielle "
Can you imagine walking on a floor covered in POWDERED SUGAR...


Julie Harward said...

I am loving your sweet little goodies..don't you just love all that powdered sugar? I do! ;D

Blessed Serendipity said...

I have been to the famous Cafe Du Monde and have tasted those tasty BEIGNETS. They are so delicious! They only serve coffee and beignets there and the floor is absolutely COVERED in powdered sugar. I have not seen the mix in my grocery store. What part of the country do you live in?

happy weekend,

Anonymous said...

these look delicious,, yum,, beautiful table scape as well, I love your cup your daughter brought back,

ginger@bearbits said...

I must be hungry because I agree with Laurie above. They look absolutely delicious1


middle child said...

Yes and Yum. My first husband had lived in louisiana and his mom had this mix. The donuts are to die for!!!

Sweet European Dreams said...

yep. these are the best! I grew up on this Cafe Du Monde mix - we've got some cajuns tucked into our family tree! Glad you discovered these - they are a wonderful treat! -diane

Barbara F. said...

Oh those little French doughnuts look -- oo la la to my tastebuds! I love the way you displayed them and of course, I love your coffee mug! xo

Charo said...

A delicious display!

Happy Pink Saturday BJ!


Sonya Badgley said...

Oh they do look yummy! I'm going to have to try these! Thank you for sharing your delicious photos! Happy Pink Saturday!

Pondside said...

When we went to New Orleans years ago I'd just read something by Frances Parkinson Keyes, and the first thing I wanted was coffee and beignets - and the were as good I'd expected. I've never even heard of the mix - what a treat!

Bluebirds and Butterflies said...

Hi there!
I saw your posting on Sheri, Jess, and Nel's blog. When you said you were from Texas, I decided to come pay you a visit and say hello. Born and raised in Florida, I iived 18 years in Texas. I now live in the Northwest near Seattle. My son lives in Houston and works for an oil company still get to go back and visit sometimes. I had a big smile when I saw the box of beignets from Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans. Several years ago, I took a short trip to New Orleans and enjoyed a wonderful beignet and chicory coffee at Cafe Du Monde. Good memories! I really enjoyed all your great...and also your "knock my sox off" posting. Love that table! There are some talented ladies in blogland...including yourself! Hope "all ya'll" in Texas have a beautiful day! xoxo Kim

Bluebirds and Butterflies said...

P.S. For anyone who lives near a World Market...I spotted a box of Cafe Du Monde beignet mix in there the other day. Those who were looking for it might check there. Just happened to think of it. xoxo Kim

Mama said...

They look beautiful and yummy! Have a happy summer, Friend!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Are those legal?!? Wow... I love your desserts! You are amazing.


Lynn said...

I have my coffee, just need the Beignets:@)

Kathleen Grace said...

These look so good, I need to see if my market carries them. Happy Saturday BJ!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Cafe Du Monde is an amazing experience but having Beignets at home is pretty darn sweet! I'm drinking my coffee this morning from one of my Cafe Du Monde coffee mugs, found at a thrift of course. hugs, Linda

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I love those and did have them in New Orleans. Yum!

The French Hutch said...

bj, not only are these treats delicious your serving them up as eye candy. Your photos are great and makes me want to cook them this very minute. Wish I were next door so I could pop in for one of these and coffee.
Happy Weekend

The French Hutch

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I would love some. Can you send me a few. They really do look so good. Love the way you have served them also. Gorgeous. I will have to look for the mix. Hugs, Marty

LindyLouMac said...

I have never heard of these before today, they sound delicious.

Vee said...

Oh I can't think of anything much more lovely than a weekend of pink roses and little French donuts. I've never tasted a beignet, but you're making me want to.

Red Rose Alley said...

Hi BJ,
Jess and Nel just had those Beignets when they went to New Orleans in March. They said they were delicious. We just did a post about "Home Treasures," and it will give you a chance to get to know us a little better. We are California gals, and we've always wanted to go to Texas. Have a sweet day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Lynn at Cottage and Creek said...

Your presentation is so lovely, BJ. I never cease to be inspired when I visit your blog. The beignets look delicious. I'll have to make some for my family. What a treat! Have a blessed weekend.

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

Another "YUMMMMMY" Post!!! I'm LOVIN that cake stand too...I find our grocery stores are caring lots more goodies from EVERYWHERE these days...
About your drought, I am TRYING to think of a way to transport the snow that is causing flooding to those of you that are having droughts. The cost of transport(if they could do it) would WAY outweigh the damage and problems caused by floods fires droughts, etc!!!
Until then, I'm praying for rain for you...
Big Hugs,

Sarah said...

BJ, as you know we make those little delights here too. I like the way you load them with powdered sugar. The"chef" went to Tulane, so they are a favorite of his. Someone told me the line to get in these days is long and sometimes an hour wait. I think we have the right idea. Make our own! Of course I'm eyeing the CC serving pieces. Is this one piece or did you stack pieces. I've decided to add a new piece this summer. Just haven't decided which one it will be. ;-)
Enjoy the weekend. ~ sarah

Bluebirds and Butterflies said...

Hi BJ,
I commented on this posting earlier, but wanted to say thank you for your visit to my blog. I have left a comment there for you. I also wanted to let you know that I have added your blog name to my list of "other nests to visit" on Bluebirds and Butterflies. I enjoy visiting Texas from time to time... There is a restaurant I love in Houston called Ruggles on Montrose. I used to go there all the time when I lived there. Chef Bruce has some fabulous dishes. If you have never been to the restaurant, I hope you go sometime. We are having my son's wedding rehearsal there in November. I miss all the great places to go in the Lone Star State. If you have ever lived there, Texas stays in your blood. I guess I am just a Southern Cowgirl at heart! Have a great day! xoxo Kim

jeanne said...

Hi bj, my service here is bad but I will try to leave a comment.

You have done it again. Mmmmmm, powdered sugar on anything Makes me happy but these French donuts have me longing for one or more. HA! Your roses still look pretty. I hope you get some rain soon. Some people are flooding and others need rain. Crazy weather huh? Love your cup from your dtr. our children are such a blessing.
Love you bunches, Jeanne

Carole Burant said...

I'd be licking the floor in that cafe! lol Being French, I was raised with my mom often making beignets and especially at Christmas time, it was quite the treat. I've never seen the mix for them, it's probably not available in Canada...I'll just have to go to New Orleans!! hehe xoxo

Vagabonde said...

My great-aunt used to make these beignets all the time and I loved going to the country to visit her (about 1 hour from Paris.) Whenever we go to New Orleans we have to eat some and drink the chicorée coffee. I have seen the mix here in several grocery stores but have not bought any yet. Sometimes my great-aunt would place a little piece of apple in them and that was good too.

LV said...

I am going to have to stop visiting your blog. I gain weight just by looking. These sound wonderful.

La said...

I have never had a beignet, but I have wanted to try them. I will watch for the mix in my store.

dana said...

I have never experienced the joy of tasting a BEIGNET...but I am certain that it would no doubt beat the love I have for Hostess Strawberry Cuppy Cakes!!! :)

I so enjoyed this sweet PSat post, BJ, and your picnic post, too!! You really are a romantic....and that's so awesome!! I need to pack a lunch for my guy, too....that sounds like so much fun!

Hope you have enjoyed your PS.....mine was full. I had my 5th 5K run this morning, then enjoyed the Grand Girl's 5th birthday party. I came home and took a very long I'm ready to rock and roll....well, sorta.

l, Dana

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Yum, I need to make some of those!